Thursday, June 23, 2011

Happy Belated Father's Day

In the jobs I've had over the years I've seen many different types of dads. Most of the ones I dealt with in social services with were the ones who didn't take the time to cherish the children they helped bring into this world. Those dead-beat dads are the bottom of the barrel in my opinion.

There are the dads who are there, but not really there. Luke warm, if you will. The ones who are present but have no true relationship with their children. They meet their children's physical needs - food, shelter, clothing - but there is no emotional connection.

Then there are the dads who lead by positive example, support their children through life's journey, and have a true and specific relationship with each child.

I count myself very blessed and fortunate to have THAT kind of dad and more specifically, having the dad that I do. I remember going to the electronic flea market with him on Saturday mornings and getting to eat at McDonalds afterwards. He and I rebuilt my VW Bug from junkyard pieces. He flew to Oregon to drive with me back home after my college years. Just to name a few memories! He had an equal part in raising me and if I do say so myself, I think he did a great job!

And what a great Grandpa he is too! We Skype daily with Grandpa even if it's just to say hi and bye. :)

Another thing that my dad did well was role model to me and my sister what to look for in a husband. I remember a teenage memory vividly...someone had "broken my heart" and I yelled "BOYS SUCK!" as I ran to my room. My dad calmly but loud enough for me to hear said "Not all boys suck." It was so true, not all boys suck. :)

When John and I started dating I knew that he would be a wonderful father. The way he treated (treats) me, his fun-nature and the way he was raised...all good signs that this boy "didn't suck"! :) Now watching him actually be a dad just blows my mind. Yesterday Kaylee bumped her head and she wanted Daddy. Those moments I just stand back and admire the love they have for each other. I am completely and utterly blessed to have John as my husband and as Kaylee's dad.

Eskimo Kisses

Rad Like Dad! - Father's Day dinner at Ruckus

Daddy, I definitely "pick" you!

Thanks Daddy for being my Daddy so we could go out to dinner and I could eat delicious mac n cheese with 2 forks!

And I'm lucky to have a wonderful father-in-law too! The way John was raised is an important piece to who he is today and I can't thank his dad enough for loving him and for welcoming me into their family with open arms.

Happy (belated) Father's Day to the 3 dads in my life!


Rebecca said...

I absolutely love this post! Even made me cry. Not an easy feat! Kate, you really are blessed.

Michele said...


What a nice tribute to the Dads in your life. Your Dad will be humbled when he reads this.


During the last few weeks of pregnancy, Kate listened to Brad Paisley's new song "Then". She didn't just listen to it a few times, she obsessively played the song on repeat, learned every word, and sung it at the top of her lungs while driving. Then one day a few weeks after Kaylee was born, Kate was driving with Kaylee by themselves. Kaylee began to cry...then scream. It didn't matter how much Kate reassured her, pulled over to make sure something wasn't wrong, or attempted to hold the pacifier in place with one arm backwards while driving. It finally occurred to Kate that maybe Kaylee wants mommy to sing to her (although no one else would want this!). So Kate put track #4 on and began to sing. Kaylee immediately calmed down. Low and behold, it's not even mommy's singing that Kaylee likes! It's Brad's!