It is still too hot to be outside so we stay home mostly. The other day I was sewing in my craft room and Kaylee was playing in her room. I peeked in to check on her and found her nicely reading to herself. She loves to read, but what she loves even more than reading is hamming it up for the camera.
So I loaded up the rocking chair with more books and went back to sewing. She had been "reading aloud" earlier but soon her reading turned to giggles. I smiled as I listened to her laugh, and tried to picture which book I had given her that was so funny. So I went to find out....
Oops...notice there are no books in sight! She had quietly put them all on the floor, quietly opened the top two dresser drawers and proceeded to "clean out" every single item from the dresser. It's a task that has needed to be tackled since most of these clothes you see are from last winter! She was quite proud of her cleaning job and how could a mom be mad when you walk in to that face?!
Today all 3 of us braved the heat from the house to the truck, then the truck into the mall! We mostly just wandered around, but Starbucks is always a necessary stop. Cake pop anyone?